الاهتمامات البحثية
El-Rayis, O. A., El-Sayed, M. M. and Turki, A. J. (1984). A preliminary Investigation for Level and Distribution of Some Heavy Metals in Coastal Water of Jeddah, Red Sea during 1981-1982. Pro. Symp. Reef Environ. Red Sea, Jeddah, Jan. pp. 147-169.
Turki, A. J. (1988). The Use of HPLC for the Characterisation of Petroporphyrins in Crude Oils, Shales and Sediments Samples. MSc Thesis. University of Liverpool.
Jones, B. and Turki, A. (1997). Distribution and Speciation of Heavy Metals in Surface Sediments from the Tees Estuary, North-East England. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 34. pp. 768-779.
Turki, A. J. (1998). An Investigation of Metal Partitioning and Organic Pollution in Surface Sediments from Tees Bay and the Tees Estuary, UK. Ph.D. Thesis. The University of Newcastle Upon Tyne.
Mudarris, M. S., Turki, A. J., Chaudary, F. A., Farag, M. M., Abozed, A. and Alnadi, S. (2000). Sewage Discharge, its Dilution and Mixing in the Coastal Waters of South Corniche, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Report Submitted to Water and Canitary Drainage of Makkah Region.
Mudarris, M. S. and Turki, A. J. (2000). Evaluation of the Effect of Micro-Bac Products on the Treatment of Al-Arbaeen Lagoon Water. Report Submitted to Emirate of Makkah Region.
Hashim, O. A., Khomayis, H. S., Chaudary, F, A., Mudarris, M. S., Hariri, M. S., Al-Harbi, S. M., Al-Washmi, H., Turki, A. J. and Rifaat, A. E. (2001). Environmental Assessment of the Coastal Area Near Al'Nawras Tourist Resort, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Report Submitted to King Abdul Aziz University. Scientific Research Council, Research Grant No. 63/418/F.
Chaudary, F, A., Khomayis, H. S., Turki, A. J. and Rasul, N. (2001). A multi-disciplinary Oceanographic Study of Three Environmentally Sensitive Sites Alnog the Saudi Arabian Coast of the Red Sea. Report Submitted to King Abdul Aziz University. Scientific Research Council, Research Grant No. 252/1420.
Turki, A. J., El Sayed, M. A., Basaham, A. S and Al Farawati, R. K. (2002). Study on the Distribution, Dispersion and Mode of Association of Some Organic and Inorganic Pollutants in A coastal Lagoon Receiving Sewage Disposal. Report Submitted to King Abdul Aziz University. Scientific Research Council, Research Grant No. 253/421.
Mal, A. Y., Turki, A. J., Harbi, S. M., Rifaat, A. E. (2004). Baseline Study of the Marine Environment in front of Al-Wajh and Deba Cities, Tabook Province. Report Submitted to King Abdul Aziz University. Scientific Research Council, Research Grant No. 236/423.
Mudarris, M. S. and Turki, A. J. (2006). Sewage Water Quality and its Dilution in the Coastal Waters of South Corniche, Jeddah, Red Sea. JKAU: Met. Env. & Arid Land Agric. Sci., Vol. 17, No. (2). 115-128.
Ba-akdah, M. A. and Turki, A. J. (2004). Environmental Damage Assessment and Compensation of King Fahad Ship Repair Yard by Israa Tanker Oil Spill. A scientific report submitted to the Presidency of Metrology and Environmental Protection (PME).
Turki, A. J. and Khrbawi, W. (2004). Environmental Damage Assessment and Compensation of King Fahad Port by Braq Tanker Oil Spill. A scientific report submitted to the Presidency of Metrology and Environmental Protection (PME).
Turki, A. J. (2006). Concentration of Some Heavy Metals in Surface Sediments of a Coastal Red Sea Lagoon Receiving Domestic Sewage. J. Egypt. Acad. Soc. Environ. Develp., (D – Environmental Studies). Vol. 7 No. 3, pp: 21-40.
Turki, A. J. (2006). Hydrocarbon Contamination in Sediments from Sharm Obhur, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences. Vol 25F (No. 1-2), pp: 41-51.
Turki, A. J. (2007). Study on the Speciation and Relative Mobility of Some heavy Metals in the Sediments of Al Shabab Lagoon. Report Submitted to King Abdul Aziz University. Scientific Research Council, Research Grant No. 426/254.
Turki, A. J. (2007). Distribution and Sources of Aliphatic Hydrocarbons in Surface Sediments of a Coastal Red Sea Lagoon Receiving Domestic Sewage. Report Submitted to King Abdul Aziz University. Scientific Research Council, Research Grant No. 427/254.
Turki, A. J. (2007). Metal Speciation (Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn) in Sediments from Al Shabab Lagoon, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia Hydrocarbon Contamination in Sediments from Sharm Obhur, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Submitted Journal of King Abdulaziz University (J.K.A.U.): Mar. Sci.
Turki, A. J. and Mudarris, M. S. (2008). Bacterial and nutrient as pollution indicators in the Al-Nawrus recreational Lagoon, Jeddah. Submitted to Journal of King Abdulaziz University (J.K.A.U.): Mar. Sci.